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July 10, 2020
CONTACT:  Robert J. Harvey, Chair
Fifteenth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission
TELEPHONE:  (561) 303-2918


The Fifteenth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission (“JNC”) announces that the following persons will be interviewed on Friday, July 17, 2020, to fill the vacancies for a Circuit Court Judge position created by the elevation of Judge Edward Artau and a County Court Judge position created by the elevation of Judge Paige Gillman:


9:00 a.m.               Ashley Ackerman

9:10 a.m.               Peter Bassaline

9:20 a.m.               Judge August Bonavita

9:30 a.m.               Rebecca Brock

9:40 a.m.               Marsha Bunn

9:50 a.m.               Melanie Casper

10:00 a.m.             Lloyd Comiter

10:10 a.m.             Sarah Cortvriend

10:20 a.m.             Jonathan Galler

10:30 a.m.             Break

10:40 a.m.             Jonathan Giddens

10:50 a.m.             Judge Bradley Harper

11:00 a.m.             Nicole Hunt Jackson

11:10 a.m.             Allison Oasis Kahn

11:20 a.m.             George Lagos

11:30 a.m.             Patricia Judge-Lashley

11:40 a.m.             Laura Laurie

11:50 a.m.             Judith Levine

12:00 p.m.             Adriana Lopez

12:10 p.m.             Break

1:10 p.m.               Ilana Marcus

1:20 p.m.               Jorge Maxion

1:30 p.m.               Brian McMahon

1:40 p.m.               Jean Marie Middleton

1:50 p.m.               C. Annelies Mouring

2:00 p.m.               John Parnofiello

2:10 p.m.               Michael Rachel

2:20 p.m.               Alcolya St. Juste

2:30 p.m.               James Sherman

2:40 p.m.               Break

2:50 p.m.               Ori Silver

3:00 p.m.               J.D. Small

3:10 p.m.               Sorraya Solages-Jones

3:20 p.m.               Stephanie Tew

3:30 p.m.               Schnelle Tonge

3:40 p.m.               Karen Velez

3:50 p.m.               Kevin Walsh

4:00 p.m.               Jeremy Zubkoff

4:10 p.m.               JNC Deliberations


The above interviews will be conducted in person at the Palm Beach County Bar Association (“PBCBA”), 1507 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach, Florida, 33406.

Each applicant will be allowed a three minute opening statement. All persons entering the PBCBA are required to wear face coverings and social distancing measures will be strictly enforced. The interviews will be transcribed by Phipps Reporting pro bono.

JNC proceedings are open to the public, except for deliberations. However, senior citizens and individuals with significant underlying medical conditions are strongly encouraged to stay at home and take all measures to limit the risk of exposure to COVID-19. A list of members of the Fifteenth Circuit JNC is available at

If you have any questions, please contact Robert Harvey at (561) 303-2918, or by email at [email protected]