The Palm Beach County Bar Association has several committees. Members are appointed to these committees each spring by the incoming President and their terms run from July 1 – June 30. New members can be appointed throughout the year.  Sign up for a committee.

2024–2025 Committee Chairs

Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee

Chair:  Reggie Hicks | [email protected]

Promotes the use of ADR to lawyers, businesses, and the public by sponsoring programs that enhance ADR skills.

Appellate Practice

Chair(s):  Nalani Gordon | [email protected];  Robert Scavone | [email protected]

Bankruptcy Law CLE

Chair(s):  Amanda Klopp | [email protected]; Julianne Frank | [email protected]

Business Litigation CLE

Chair(s):  Dane Leitner | [email protected]; Ken Johnson | [email protected]

Civil Practice

Chair(s):  Adam Rabin | [email protected]; Robert Kane | [email protected]

Community Assn. Law CLE

Chair: Tanique G. Lee | [email protected]

Committee for Diversity and Inclusion

Chair(s):  Tania Williams | [email protected]; Jack Rice | [email protected]

Promotes principles of diversity and inclusion as set out in the Corporation’s Anti-Discrimination Policy; and implements or continues programs designed to increase the diversity of the Corporation’s membership and the local legal community.

Construction Law Committee

Chair:  F. Malcolm Cunningham | [email protected]

Comprised of attorneys dedicated to the practice of construction law, the Committee’s focus is on promoting legal education through its annual CLE Seminar. The Committee is also planning activities geared towards greater exposure for the practice area within the local community.

Criminal Law CLE Committee

Chair(s) Ian Goldstein| [email protected]; Scarlett Roque | [email protected]

Elder Law Affairs Committee

Chair(s) Carolyn Landon | [email protected]; Anne Desormier-Cartwright | [email protected]

Addresses the needs of the elderly such as crimes against the elderly, Alzheimer’s, access to the Courts, and educating the elderly. Also sponsors two CLE seminars for members of the Bar on elder law issues.

Employment Law CLE

Chair Holly Goodman | [email protected]

Estate | Probate Law CLE

Chair(s):  Mallorye Cunningham | [email protected]; Chioma Deere | [email protected]

Family Law CLE

Chair: William “Trace” Norvell | [email protected]

Health and Wellness Committee

Chair(s): Jack Rice | [email protected];Ed Ricci | [email protected]

Judicial Relations Committee

Chair(s):  Ron Ponzoli | [email protected]; Lauren Johnson | [email protected]

Serves as liaison between the Bar and the Judiciary; it plans, implements, and coordinates programs for better relations between the Bench and Bar, including the annual Bench Bar Conference, Judicial Lunch seminar series, judicial relations spokespersons who conduct in-person meetings with the judges, and the bi-annual judicial evaluations administered by the PBCBA.

Law Related Education Committee

Chair:  Andrew Kwan | [email protected]

Works to promote effective community, law-related education programs for adults and students in Palm Beach County, with an emphasis on respect for the legal system and civics education. The committee seeks to maintain and enhance the cooperative efforts of attorneys and educators in the field of law-related education in Palm Beach County. This committee may include ex officio members who are not members of the Bar but have an interest in promoting the committee’s goals and objectives.

Lawyers for Literacy

Chair(s):  Bradley Avakian | [email protected]; Jessica Latour | [email protected]

Dedicated to promoting literacy and a love of reading in our Palm Beach County communities.

Local & Gov’t Land Use

Chair(s):  Denise Haire | [email protected]; Lina Busby | [email protected]

Local Government & Land Use Committee will be made up of city, county and other local government lawyers practicing land use law and private sector attorneys representing and practicing before local governments and agencies. The committee will provide relevant CLE’s and networking opportunities.

Membership Committee

Chair(s): Sarah Kranz | [email protected]; Kelly Schulz | [email protected]

The membership committee is tasked with implementing, promoting, and supporting the new “You’ve Been Served Initiative”  which is designed to highlight the positive community services provided by Palm Beach County Bar Association Lawyers. This committee will also work to retain members and recruit new members to the organization.

Paralegal Committee

Chair(s):  Lesline Alexander | [email protected]; Jackie Jernigan | [email protected]

The Paralegal Committee seeks to foster and promote the Paralegal Profession.  This will be accomplished thru the advancement of educational standards for the experienced paralegal as well as the incoming new paralegals.  The opportunity will be provided by educational seminars relative to the advanced Certified/Registered Paralegal along with the ethical obligations of all paralegals.  The Paralegal Committee will provide member networking opportunities in similar areas of law.  It is our goal to provide continuing legal education and ethical programs for the advanced and incoming paralegals to our profession.

PI | Wrongful Death CLE

Chair(s):  Boris Zhadanovskiy | [email protected]; Salesia Smith-Gordon | [email protected]

Probate | Guardianship

Chair Zachary Rothman | [email protected]

Professionalism Committee

Chair(s) Kara Rockenbach Link | [email protected]; David Vitale, Jr. | [email protected]

Addresses ways to instill a sense of professionalism in Bar members; responds to negative publicity concerning the legal profession; sponsors a breakfast for newly admitted attorneys; reviews complaints referred to the Professionalism Council and manages the Bar’s mentor program.

Real Estate CLE

Chair(s):  Steven Brannock | [email protected]; Jared Quartell | [email protected]

Solo & Small Firm Practitioner’s Committee

Chair Thomas Ali | [email protected]

Provides an opportunity for solo practitioners to meet and network in an informal setting such as brown bag lunch meetings, pizza, and beer seminars and happy hours to exchange information and assist each other with office practices and procedures.

Technology Committee

Chair:  Jeffrey Haut | [email protected]

Seeks to improve the practice of law and law firm marketing through the use of technology.  Conducts several seminars to help educate the members on the fast-paced changes in legal technology.

Transaction Law Committee

Chair:  Dominic Liberi | [email protected]

Unified Family Practice

Chair(s) Trisha Armstrong | [email protected]; Julia Wyda |  [email protected];

Workers’ Compensation

Chair(s)Chad Bubis | [email protected]; Mindy Datz | [email protected]