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The Florida Bar is in need of two (2) inventory attorneys to ONLY deal with the trust account of a deceased attorney.

Case 1:  Marc Gordon passed away in 2015.  Prior to his passing, he was holding funds for Lynn Skawski.  We have found at least some of Mr. Gordon’s ledger cards, and the amount owed to Mr. Skawski is a bit over $8,000.  We are aware of a trust account that is still open.  We are unaware of how much money is in that trust account or if Mr. Gordon was holding funds for clients other than Mr. Skawski.  We need an inventory attorney appointed who can then determine how much is in the trust account and to whom the funds should be disbursed.

Case 2:  Donald Corbin passed away in July 2020.  All his files have been dealt with.  There is currently approximately $4,000 in the trust account.  We need an inventory attorney appointed who can then determine to whom the funds should be disbursed.

If you are interested, please contact:

Cheryl L. Soler
Paralegal – The Florida Bar
1300 Concord Terrace, Suite 130
Sunrise, Florida 33323
Phone: (954) 835-0233
Fax: (954) 908-3817
[email protected]