The Fourth District Court of Appeal Judicial Nominating Commission announces that it is accepting applications to fill the vacancy on the Fourth District Court of Appeal created by the retirement of Judge Carole Y. Taylor. The application deadline for this vacancy is Friday, April 3 at 12 p.m.
Qualifications of Applicants:
Applicants must have been members of The Florida Bar for the preceding 10 years, registered voters, and must reside in the territorial jurisdiction at the time of assuming office.
Instructions for Submission:
- The current Judicial Application form must be used and can be downloaded in Word version from The Florida Bar’s website at:
- The completed application must be typed, bound and signed. The application must include a photograph.
- The applicants must provide the following: (i) one original of the signed and completed application, (ii) one redacted copy of the signed and completed application excluding all exempt information under Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes or other applicable public records law; and (iii) an electronic copy of the application on nine (9) individual flash drives in PDF format with the applicant’s name on the exterior of the flash drives. No other attachments or files are to be included on the flash drives. All printed copies should be two-sided.
- The completed application, copies, and flash drives must be delivered to Debra A. Jenks, Jenks & Harvey LLP, 1555 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd, 16th Floor, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401.
- The deadline for submission of the completed application is Friday, April 3, at 12 p.m. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
Additional Information:
After the deadline for submitting applications, the commission will contact each applicant regarding the date and time for interviews, and the commission will publish by press release that information. All interviews of the commission will be held at the Fourth District Court of Appeal Courthouse and are open to the public, except for deliberations.
If an applicant is nominated, all materials attached to the original application will be submitted to Gov. Ron DeSantis.
A list of members of the Fourth District Court of Appeal JNC is available from The Florida Bar’s website at:
Members of the bench, the Bar, and the public are urged to contact the members of the commission concerning applicants for this vacancy.
If you have any questions, please call Debra A. Jenks at 561-346-98545, or e-mail at [email protected].