July 3, 2020
CONTACT: Robert J. Harvey, Esq.
Fifteenth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission
TELEPHONE: (561) 303-2918
The Fifteenth Circuit Judicial Nominating Committee (“JNC”) announces that it has received applications from the following persons for nominations to fill the vacancies for a Circuit Court Judge position created by the elevation of Judge Edward Artau and a County Court Judge position created by the elevation of Judge Paige Gillman:
- Ashley Ackerman
- Peter Bassaline
- Judge August Bonavita
- Rebecca Brock
- Marsha Bunn
- Melanie Casper
- Lloyd Comiter
- Sarah Cortvriend
- Jonathan Galler
- Jonathan Giddens
- Judge Bradley Harper
- Nicole Hunt Jackson
- Allison Oasis Kahn
- George Lagos
- Patricia Judge-Lashley
- Laura Laurie
- Judith Levine
- Adriana Lopez
- Ilana Marcus
- Jorge Maxion
- Brian McMahon
- Jean Marie Middleton
- Annelies Mouring
- John Parnofiello
- Michael Rachel
- Alcolya St. Juste
- James Sherman
- Ori Silver
- J.D. Small
- Sorraya Solages-Jones
- Stephanie Tew
- Schnelle Tonge
- Karen Velez
- Kevin Walsh
- Jeremy Zubkoff
The JNC anticipates conducting applicant interviews for both vacancies on Friday, July 17, 2020.
The JNC intends to conduct any interviews for both the Circuit Court and County Court vacancies concurrently. The JNC will publish on the Florida Bar’s website, the Palm Beach County Bar Association’s website and Governor Ron DeSantis’ judicial webpage, the time, location, and method of any interviews that the JNC chooses to conduct. JNC proceedings are open to the public, except for deliberations. Applications are not confidential. If an applicant is nominated, all materials attached to the original application will be submitted to the Governor.
A list of members of the Fifteenth Circuit JNC is available at of the bench, the Bar and the public are urged to contact the members of the Commission concerning applicants for judicial positions.
If you have any questions, please call Mr. Harvey at (561) 303-2918, or email at [email protected]