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Dear Friend & Advocate,

We are seeking volunteer attorneys to provide advice by phone to pre-screened clients at the Florida Rural Legal Services (FRLS) / Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County (LASPBC) REMOTE FAMILY LAW CLINIC. We are looking for attorneys who are willing to volunteer to provide advice to three clients over a three-hour period.  The remote clinic will be conducted twice a month through 2021, on the first Tuesday and third Thursday of each month. FRLS and the LASPBC have many requests for advice on family law matters, divorce, modification of child support, and timesharing that are outside of our priority areas. We will provide free training in family law and other areas if you are willing to volunteer. Please consider helping us bridge the justice gap and sign up for a slot, or two!

When:  First Tuesday and Third Thursday of every month

Time:    9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Where:  Provide Advice from Anywhere!


FRLS will facilitate the clinics and cover the malpractice coverage for the pro bono attorney’s work on behalf of any referred client and Legal Aid will provide the pro bono credit.


To volunteer please contact: Kimberly Rommel-Enright at [email protected]   or Alison Marshall at [email protected]