- Bench/Bar Conference
- Discounted live CLE seminars
- Discounted CLE CD’s (large library available for purchase)
- CLE Committees
- Court Advisory/Practice Committees
- Judicial Relations Committee
- Professionalism Committee
- Solo Practitioner’s Committee
- Guardianship Education
- Jury Certificates
- Law Week Programs
- Lawyer Referral Service
- Lawyers for Literacy Program
- Legal Aid Society
- Small Claims Court Clinics
- Speakers’ Bureau
- Annual Installation Banquet
- Judicial Reception
- North County Section Activities:
- Holiday Party for Members including a silent auction
- Membership Meetings/Receptions
- Jurist of the Year Dinner
- Yearly CLE Luncheon
- Young Lawyers Section Activities:
- Membership Happy Hours
- Holiday Party for Members including a silent auction
- Annual Past President Recognition Function
- Holidays Party to benefit foster children
- Adopt-a-School Project – providing school supplies to underprivileged children; reading to the children
- Volunteer Opportunities – Cafe Joshua, Habitat for Humanity
- Easter/Passover Toy Distribution to pediatric cancer patients
- Access to Bar Mailing List
- Bi-yearly Judicial Evaluation
- Conference Room Rental
- Free Classified Ads (one per year)
- Monthly Newsletter
- Online Pictorial Membership Directory
- Professionalism Panel
- Weekly eNewsletters