The questions listed below are based on the category they fall under. For more information, please see below:
Q: How do I become a Member?
A: Membership options for the Palm Beach County Bar Association are available by clicking here.
Q: Who should I contact with Membership issues or questions?
A: Please contact us at [email protected] for assistance, or reach out to our Membership Coordinator, Jeanne Brander, at [email protected].
Q: How do I update my Member profile?
A: You must first be an active Member of the Palm Beach County Bar Association. Click on the Member Login option to log in to your account. Proceed to the account information and make any updates to your profile information. For any questions, please contact our Membership Coordinator, Jeanne Brander, at [email protected].
Q: How will I receive my dues statement?
A: Dues statements will be sent via e-mail. Please check your spam folder if you have not received your e-mail. For any issues, please contact us at [email protected] or by calling 561-628-2800.
Q: How do I become a new PBCBA Member?
A: Joining is easy! Please select the Become a Member button on our homepage, or by clicking here. You can also contact a member of our Bar staff by calling 561-628-2800.
Q: When are dues sent out?
A: In 2020, dues statements were sent out to all Members via e-mail in early April.
Q: Help! I cannot reach the Lawyer Referral Service by phone.
A: Our Lawyer Referral Service hours are Monday through Friday from 9 AM – 5 PM (EST). If you are unable to reach our Lawyer Referral Service, please leave a voice message with your contact information for follow-up purposes. You can also send an e-mail to [email protected] for more assistance.
Q: How to get a referral to a Palm Beach County Attorney?
A: You have 3 options:
- TELEPHONE – Please call the Lawyer Referral Service at 687-3266. If you are unable to reach us, please leave a message with your contact information for follow-up purposes. Our Lawyer Referral Service hours are Monday through Friday from 9 AM – 5 PM (EST).
- EMAIL – You can send an email to [email protected] for more assistance.
- ONLINE REFERRAL – please click here to be directed to our referral form. Once you have submitted the referral online, we will email you a referral with the contact information for you to call the attorney directly.
Q: Is there a fee for the service?
A: If your legal issue is related to medical malpractice, bankruptcy, workers’ comp, social security disability, employment /labor, or personal injury/negligence – there is no fee. For all other legal matters, there is a $50 administrative fee for a 30-minute consultation with a local attorney either by telephone or in-person.
Q: What if my case is not in Palm Beach County?
A: We will refer you to the correct referral service and or county services that are available.
Q: What if I want to file a complaint against an attorney?
A: You will be directed to contact the Florida Bar Association complaint line – Their toll-free number is 1-866-352-0707. Please click here to be directed to the Florida Bar Website.
Q: Help! I cannot reach the Lawyer Referral Service by phone.
A: Our Lawyer Referral Service hours are Monday through Friday from 9 AM – 5 PM (EST). If you are unable to reach our Lawyer Referral Service, please leave a voice message with your contact information for follow-up purposes. You can also send an e-mail to [email protected] for more assistance.
Q: What is required to join the Lawyer Referral Service?
A: You first need to be a member of the Palm Beach County Bar Association. If you are not currently a Member, please click here to join the Bar Association. The Lawyer Referral Fee to join LRS is $150.00 for the fiscal year 7/1 through 6/30, and you will have 10 categories to choose from. You will need to have liability insurance of at least $100,000.
Q: How do I sign up online?
A: Please click this link to be directed to the Lawyer Referral Page. If you have any further questions, please email the lawyer referral service at [email protected], and we will assist you.
Q: How do I view upcoming PBCBA events?
A: Please visit our Calendar of Events page available by clicking here.
Q: How do I view the Bar Bulletin classified ads?
A: Please visit our Classified Advertising page available by clicking here.
Q: How do I update my Member profile?
A: You must first be an active Member of the Palm Beach County Bar Association. Click on the Member Login option, or click here.
Q: Where can I publish job openings or available positions?
A: You may publish job openings for a fee using our Job Board service available by clicking here. For questions regarding this process, please e-mail [email protected].
Q: How do I register for an event?
A: You can register for all events by visiting the Bar’s calendar page available by clicking here and clicking on the event. If an event is not listed in the system, registration may have been closed or has yet to open.
Q: Can I register for an event after it is closed?
A: Some of PBCBA’s events will offer a walk-in option for our Members and their guests. For more information, please check the Bar’s calendar by clicking here, or contact [email protected] for more assistance.
Q: Can someone help me with my registration?
A: Yes, please contact our Membership Coordinator, Jeanne Brander, at [email protected] for assistance. She can also be reached by calling our office at 561-628-2800 and selecting Membership Coordinator from the phone options menu.
Q: How can I rent office, classroom, or board room space? How do I find out space availability?
A: Please visit our rental information page available by clicking here for more information. For space availability, please contact Nicole Nelson at [email protected].
Q: What events take place at the Bar Office?
A: CLE seminars, meetings, fundraisers, donations, and other special events. For more information, please visit the Bar’s calendar page available by clicking here.
Q: Is the Bar Office open to the public?
A: Yes, under certain circumstances the Bar Association is available to the public. For Lawyer Referral Service, you must complete this form and wait to be contacted. No admission will be granted otherwise.
Q: What are the main office hours of the Palm Beach County Bar Association?
A: The Bar staff will be available Monday through Friday from 9 A.M. – 5 P.M with the exception of most court holidays, or unless otherwise listed. For a list of court holidays, please click here.
Q: Who should I contact regarding sponsorships?
A: Please contact our CLE Coordinator, Kathy Clark at [email protected], for all CLE-related sponsorships. For all other sponsorship inquiries, please contact [email protected].
Q: Do you have to be a PBCBA Member to sponsor an event or CLE?
A: No. The Palm Beach County Bar Association welcomes any sponsor opportunity. Contact us today!
Q: What kind of events can I become a sponsor for?
A: The Palm Beach County Bar Association welcomes sponsorships for any and all of our events, CLE courses, and Member-related activities.
Q: Where can I find advertising rates and display ad sizing, requirements, and more general information on advertising with the Palm Beach County Bar Association?
A: We offer many options for digital and print advertising. For more information on advertising with us, please visit Advertising inquiries can also be sent to [email protected]. For sponsorship inquiries, please contact [email protected].
Q: Can I advertise on the Bar’s website?
A: Yes, we currently offer advertising options available throughout our site. For more information, please click here.
Q: Where can I post job openings or open positions? Are they free for Members?
A: To publish a job opening on our Job Board, please visit: We are no longer publishing job openings through our main classifieds page or site. You must use the Job Board services. Please note that fees are applicable to all job postings regardless of current PBCBA membership status. For questions regarding this process, please e-mail [email protected].
Q: Do PBCBA Members receive a free classified ad per year in the Bar’s Bulletin?
A: Yes, current Members with no pending invoices will be allowed to utilize one free classified ad or hearsay (65-70 words max) per calendar year in our monthly Bar Bulletin. This does not include Job Postings. Job Postings must be published through the following URL: Please note that using this offer depends upon space and availability approval before publication. Member ad requests will be performed on a first-come, first-serve basis. You can request yours by clicking here. All requests will be subject to approval and print deadlines.
Q: Who should I contact for all media-related inquiries?
A: Please contact Carla Brown at 561-687-2800, or by emailing [email protected].
Q: What are the social media links for Palm Beach County Bar Association’s Facebook and Twitter pages?
A: You can access our Facebook page by visiting You can also access our Twitter page by visiting
Q: Where can I find previous Palm Beach County Bar Bulletins?
A: You can access our archive by visiting
Q: Where can I find photos of the Bar’s previous events?
A: Most of our event photos are published on our Facebook page and in our monthly Bar Bulletin. For all inquiries, please refer to the contact options above.
Q: How do I purchase a CLE course in MP3 audio or cd format?
A: Please visit our CLE library available by clicking here. Once a purchase is made, please allow 24-48 hours for digital files to be provided. Download options will be included in your emailed receipt. For any other inquiries, please contact [email protected] for more assistance.
Q: Can I purchase a CLE that is not listed on the CLE library page?
A: All CLEs currently listed are available for purchase. For any other inquiries, please contact [email protected] for more assistance. Please note that the Palm Beach County Bar Association provides new CLE courses each month to benefit our Members.
Q: How do I download the MP3 file for a purchased CLE?
A: Please check the invoice receipt (sent directly to your e-mail after purchase), and locate the file download available option(s). You may also download the files directly after completing your purchase by accessing the “download” option available to you at that time. For any other inquiries, please contact [email protected] for more assistance.
Q: How does the Bar Association notify me if there is any relevant news or announcements?
A: In some circumstances, the Palm Beach County Bar Association will notify all Members via e-mail if there are any updates or announcements. Please visit our Latest News page by clicking here for the latest news available.
Q: How do I purchase a mailing list or membership list from the Palm Beach County Bar Association?
A: The Palm Beach County Bar Association values the privacy of all of our Members. The use of purchased mailing lists is strictly prohibited for uses outside of the firm name and address changes. Not adhering to this policy is a violation, which can impact Membership status.
Q: How can I assist the Palm Beach County Bar Association?
A: The Palm Beach County Bar Association is thankful for all of our Member’s and sponsor’s opinions, time, patronage, and support. If you would like to volunteer, set up an event, sponsor, or assist in any way to help the Bar and its fellow Members, please contact [email protected]. We welcome any opportunities from outside organizations both in the legal field and in the general professional community.
Q: How do I become an event sponsor?
A: Please contact our CLE Coordinator, Kathy Clark at [email protected], for all CLE-related sponsorships. For all other sponsorship inquiries, please contact [email protected].
Q: Who should I contact about advertising in the Bar Bulletin or on the Palm Beach County Bar Association’s website?
A: Please contact Derek Loiseau at [email protected] for more information. For advertising rates and deadlines, please visit this page for additional information.
Q: Whom should I contact for CLE purchases?
A: Please contact Nicole Nelson at [email protected] for more information. CLE purchases can be made by clicking here.
Q: Who should I contact regarding room rentals?
A: Please contact Nicole Nelson at [email protected] for more information.
Q: What is the general contact e-mail address for the Palm Beach County Bar Association?
A: Please send all general inquiries to [email protected].
Q: Who should I contact with questions about PBCBA Membership?
A: Please contact Jeanne Brander at [email protected] for more assistance.