In September 2007, the Board of Directors of the Palm Beach County Bar Association approved the revised Standards of Professional Courtesy. These revised standards were endorsed in October 2007 by the judges of the 15th Judicial Circuit, who expect professional conduct by all attorneys who appear and practice before them.
On September 12, 2011, the Florida Supreme Court amended the oath of admission to The Florida Bar to include a pledge of “fairness, integrity, and civility” to the court and opponents “in all written and oral communications” (the “Oath of Civility”). Thereafter, the voluntary bar associations in South Florida, including the Palm Beach County Bar Association, adopted a Joint Resolution of South Florida Voluntary Bar Associations Regarding Lawyer Civility, the “Joint Resolution”. In 2014, the PBCBA Standards of Professionalism courtesy was updated and approved by the Board of Directors and endorsed by the judges of the 15th Judicial Circuit. Click here to view the standards. In 2015, the Florida Bar Board of Governors approved the Florida Bar Professionalism Expectations that replaced the Ideals and Goals of Professionalism.
The Professionalism Committee of the Palm Beach County Bar Association, which is made up of paralegals, lawyers, and judges, seeks to actively promote the Oath of Civility; addresses ways to instill a sense of professionalism in Bar members; responds to negative publicity concerning the legal profession; and conducts CLE programs on ethics and professionalism throughout the year.
The Professionalism Committee encourages attorneys of all levels and practice areas to frequently review the Oath of Civility and the standards of professionalism and the Florida Bar Professionalism Expectations. Below is a list of helpful links and resources for attorneys in Palm Beach County practicing in both state and federal court.
For more information about the Professionalism Committee, contact Co-chairs Kara Rockenbach Link and David Vitale, Jr.

- Kara Rockenbach Link | [email protected]
- David Vitale, Jr. | [email protected]
Committees are a great way to get involved with your local bar association, network with your colleagues and become a leader in your legal community.
November is Professionalism Month in Florida
Chief Justice Charles T. Canady, in conjunction with The Florida Bar, has proclaimed November as ‘Legal Professionalism Month’ in Florida.
The proclamation serves to encourage all those working in the legal profession to rededicate themselves to exhibiting the highest standards of professionalism and ethics.
- https://www.floridabar.org/the-florida-bar-news/november-is-legal-professionalism-month/ [floridabar.org]
- https://www.floridabar.org/news-release/no-category/legalprofmonth2021/ [floridabar.org]
The Florida Supreme Court’s Proclamation can be found:
- Palm Beach County Bar Association Standards of Professional Courtesy and Civility
- Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court: Administrative Orders and Local Rules
- Administrative Order No. 2.105-11/16: In Re: Fifteenth Circuit Professionalism Panel
- Professionalism Panel Referral Form
- Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Local Professionalism Panel Members
- The Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Local Professionalism Panel
The Florida Bar offers the Counsel to Counsel Mentoring Program for new attorneys, or for attorneys who have not practiced for an extended period of time. Counsel to Counsel is a first-of-its-kind mentoring program designed to pair new lawyers with those who are more established in their careers. It provides the opportunity for new lawyers to gain practical experience and learn from established attorneys about how to build a professional reputation and create a successful practice. To learn more or to register, visit floridabar.org/mentoring.
- Code for Resolving Professionalism Referrals (Appendix A)
- (Amended) Florida Bar Professionalism Expectations (Appendix B)
- Florida Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism & Civility
- Florida Bar Professionalism Expectations
- Rules Regulating The Florida Bar (including Chapter 4. Rules of Professional Conduct)
- Lawyer Regulation
- Ethics Opinions and Articles on Ethics Issues
- The Florida Bar Ethics Hotline: (800) 235-8619
- Rule 20 – Florida Registered Paralegal Program
- 2019-2021 Professionalism Handbook