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What are the benefits of being a member of the Palm Beach County Bar Lawyer Referral Service (LRS)?

LRS Membership helps to build your client base
The courts, government agencies, community organizations and attorneys refer the public to our LRS. The LRS service is a proven way for solo practitioners and small firms to build and grow a client base.

LRS screens potential clients for you
LRS referral representatives screen calls before referring them to your office. When a caller reaches you or your staff, the nature of the case and the relevant areas of law are clearly established.

LRS is a public service
The PBCBA’s LRS has been a public service many years. Our service has aided thousands of citizens in Palm Beach County.

Inexpensive to Join
The cost to join is only $150.00 per year for the Palm Beach County Bar Members. This fee includes up to 10 areas of law.

You must be a current member of the Palm Beach County Bar Association in order to be on the lawyer referral service panel.

You will need to have $100,00 in liability insurance.

Easy to Join
If you are an attorney in good standing with The Florida Bar for at least one year and have maintained professional liability insurance, please complete an LRS Application. You can either email the application and declaration page along with your paid LRS dues receipt or complete the fillable application and mail it, along with your declaration page and $150 check to the Palm Beach County Bar Association, P.O. Box 17726, West Palm Beach, FL 33416. If you prefer to pay your dues by credit card, please log in.  For questions, call 561-687-3266 or email: [email protected].