Edgardo Hernandez
What is your current Practice area?
Family, Personal Injury, Traffic, Criminal, Estate Planning, Contracts, etc.
Please provide a short bio of your background:
I am a Palm Beach County born resident. My parents and the rest of my family is from Ponce, Puerto Rico. I attended the University of Florida for my bachelor’s degree and majored in event management.
What adversity have you faced because of your diverse characteristic and how did you overcome it?
The diverse characteristic that has been the most difficult to overcome would be socioeconomic status. Being a first-generation student and having to jump over all the hurdles required to become a lawyer is extremely difficult when you have no one to turn to for advice. I networked, researched, and used all the resources I could to learn how to overcome.
Why is diversity important to the practice of law in Palm Beach County?
I believe it is very difficult to be an effective counselor and advocate for someone if you can’t understand and relate to them. The population of Palm Beach County is extremely diverse and people seeking representation should feel confident that they will have someone representing them that works hard and can understand them.