Please note that the deadlines for Bulletin ad submissions are listed here. If you have not confirmed with PBCBA’s Publication Coordinator, Derek Loiseau, we cannot guarantee that your ad will be placed in the next issue if the deadline has already passed.

For any questions regarding the submission process, please click here.

Bulletin Advertising Payment Portal

  • Please include the exact description information listed on the invoice that was provided to you.
  • Please include the exact price listed on your invoice provided by Derek Loiseau, PBCBA Publication Coordinator. Please note: If the price does not match the invoice, you will be notified, and your ad insert potentially could be delayed.
  • Max. file size: 256 MB.
  • Please include any additional details if applicable.
  • This page is unsecured. Do not enter a real credit card number! Use this field only for testing purposes.
    American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
  • $0.00